Thursday, May 30, 2013

Reading number 3

1. I found it interesting what he said about trying to put some drama into the story. Even if it’s a little bit at the end it adds a little to the story. He also says that when you’re picking sound bites you want to pick one that leaves a “lump in the throat’ of the viewer. You want them to have a little bit of emotional attachment to the story so they fell an emotional tug from the story.
2. Race for the Cure. MAy 13, 2013
3. Cheering in the backgroud
     Music being played
     Drums being played
     people talking amongest themselves
4. Low- peoples walking feet
     Tight- back of their shirts and their numbers
     Wide- shot off a big chunk of the group walking
     Angle- people playing the drums
5. Walk for the lost and survived.
6. In this story there is a lot of natural sound. The majority of the story is being filmed while they are walking so you can hear the people in the background talking and laughing. There are also some good soundbites in the story. There’s not very many but the ones in there are meaningful and add to the story.  There are also good pictures in this story. It is showed often of people walking around or people talking in their pink.  There isn’t a lot of silence in this video. The main silence is mainly when someone is done talking. They just pause for a couple seconds because it seems to me like time for everything that was told to sink in and to hit you.

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